
Growth hacks for employees

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Growth hacks for employees

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Growth phase is the second phase of job career and comes after learning phase of three to four years from the day of qualification. Growth phase ranges from five to six years after learning phase and play a very important role in job-career of every employee. When you reach at the level of this phase, you have already gained a lot of experience and now you are very much conversant with the corporate systems. So now you can think about growth in term of financials.

In learning phase, it is advisable not to focus on salary but on your learning. Now in this growth phase, as the name itself suggests, you need to think about financial growth also. Let’s move forward to understand that how you can grow in your career by following guidance of this book.

Following Growth hacks are covered and explained in detail in this book:

I. Own responsibility as there is no free ride

a) Adopt the LEO approach (Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Ownership)

b) Show Team Spirit

c) Learn to present directly by taking ownership

d) Stand for your team

e) Organize yourself for expected deliverables

f) Be tech savvy

g) Keep your life simple, both personally and professionally

II. Involve in decision making processes that will give you access into the system and will provide you guidance

a) Don’t miss the opportunity of involvement, if given, even if it is beyond your work profile

b) Value addition

c) Make extra efforts to study, analyse for right decision

d) Your opinion matters for people

e) Never fall for the lure of fame or prestige

f) Learn to react positively in adverse situations

III. Develop a side hustle – a small plant like website development, book writing, blogging, mentoring etc.

Why side hustle?

a) Identify your interest areas, hobbies or strengths which you can commercialize 29

b) Identify the areas which can be managed online. Avoid inventory based or machinery based areas

c) Estimate initial capital requirements

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Growth phase ranges from five to six years after learning phase and play a very important role in job-career of every employee. When you reach at the level of this phase, you have already gained a lot of experience and now you are very much conversant with the corporate systems. So now you can think about growth in term of financials. In learning phase, it is advisable not to focus on salary but on your learning. Now in this growth phase, as the name itself suggests, you need to think about financial growth also. Let’s move forward to understand that how you can grow in your career by following guidance of this book.

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52 pages
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